Pancreatic Fistula After Penetrating Wound of Abdomen


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منابع مشابه

Penetrating Wound of the Abdomen — Laparotomy

On the 4th June last, at 11 a.m., Mrs. X, a healthy Native lady, aged 24, and the mother of three or four children, was accidentally shot by her brother, a lad of 10,with a pocket revolver. The boy was playing with the revolver, believing it, as his sister did, to be unloaded, when suddenly there was a loud explosion, and the lady was struck by the bullet in the abdomen from a distance of two y...

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A Case of Penetrating Stab Wound of the Abdomen

A young Burmese female, aged 22 years, was ̂ r0 a into the Rangoon General Hospital, suffering ir?wjtb penetrating stab wound in the epigastric region Ungt profuse bleeding and signs of internal telf She was taken to the operating theatre immedia and a left paramedian incision was made in the part of the abdomen; the abdomen was found t0.jjjg full of blood which was mopped out. On re*raCt)0n the...

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A Penetrating Wound of the Abdomen *Rearranged by Editor.

There was a wound about three inches in length aIj^ one and a half inches in breadth running obliqu?^j upwards across the left side of the abdomen a terminating at the costal margin; through this a porti ̂ of the descending colon and omentum were prolapse^o There was a considerable amount of dirt adhering . the protruding organs. Under chloroform ansesthe the soiled intestine was cleaned as far ...

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عنوان ژورنال: BMJ

سال: 1966

ISSN: 0959-8138,1468-5833

DOI: 10.1136/bmj.1.5489.719-a